Announcement War Rules

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  • War Rules

    Due to the First declarations of War on the test server, few sets of rules were made to keep things under control.

    Ground Rules For Wars:

    Standard Wars only are allowed.
    No Limited Duration Wars or Contest Wars.

    Standard War:
    1. A war Declaration (Discussion Thread) is needed in the Diplomacy & Talk Section
    2. A "CR Only" Thread is a Must, and has to be opened within the first 3 days of declaring a war.
    3. Each war needs to be declared separately in a different Thread.
    4. Each Alliance is allowed to declare a total of 5 Wars at a time.
    5. There's No limit on how many Wars in total the Origin-Test-Server can have at one time.
    6. When a War is closed for one of the reasons set below, a 7 day cool-down period is applied before a new declaration can be made.

    Who can declare a war:
    1. No single player can declare war on another alliance or player.
    2. Alliances of one player cannot declare a war or be declared on.
    3. No single player can have a war declared on him/her.

    End of War:
    End of War can happen in 4 cases:
    1. One of the alliances is disbanded or Changed Tags/Names.
    2. Incase of surrender of one of the involved Alliances in the War.
    3. "CR Only" Thread goes inactive for more than 7 days.
    4. In-Case Board Supporters/Game Operators decide that the war should be Ended.

    Bashing Rule:
    1. Bashing Rule is lifted after 12 hours of the War Declaration.
    2. Bashing Rule is applied again when the War is declared over for the above reasons.

    "CR Only" Threads Guidelines:
    What can and can't be posted in the "CR Only" Thread:
    1. Espionage attacks or counter Espionage Reports aren't allowed..
    2. Hits with minimal to no plunder, and no Damage done on either sides aren't allowed in the "CR Only" Thread.
    3. IPM Attacks are allowed in the "CR Only" Thread.
    4. Any CR that shows damage done on defender's or attacker's side or has a resources plunder made is allowed in the "CR Only" Thread.
    5. Only involved alliance members in the war can post related CRs in the "CR Only" Thread.

    Discussion Thread:
    In Origin we don't like to give warnings, and we try to avoid using such methods unless we get forced to use this system in extreme cases.
    Also, this is a War Thread, some off-topic and heavy discussions can be made and will be accepted to certain limits, but always remember that:
    1. No RL threats under ANY circumstance.
    2. No heavy trolling or flaming.
    3. No personal attacks that go way over-board.
    4. No Cursing or avoiding Censor.
    5. Keep respect and easy mood, don't go over-board with reactions or posts and replies, keep it civil and enjoy the War.
